Chatbot Architecture: A Simple Guide
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Chatbot Architecture: A Simple Guide

A breakdown of chatbot architecture and how it works

chatbot architecture diagram

This layout helps the developer grow a chatbot depending on the use cases, business requirements, and customer needs. This might be optional but can turn out to be an effective component that enhances functionality and efficiency. AI capabilities can be used to equip a chatbot with a personality to connect with the users and can provide customized and personalized responses, ultimately leading to better results. When accessing a third-party software or application it is important to understand and define the personality of the chatbot, its functionalities, and the current conversation flow. Message generator component consists of several user defined templates (templates are nothing but sentences with some placeholders, as appropriate) that map to the action names.

Chatbot responses to user messages should be appropriate enough to continue the conversation. However, choosing the correct architecture depends on the type of domain of the chatbot. Most companies today have an online presence in the form of a website or social media channels. They must capitalize on this by utilizing custom chatbots to communicate with their target audience easily. Chatbots can now communicate with consumers in the same way humans do, thanks to advances in natural language processing. Businesses save resources, cost, and time by using a chatbot to get more done in less time.

chatbot architecture diagram

Google has Dialogflow, which is essentially a SaaS based platform to build the bot. Chatbots are equally beneficial for all large-scale, mid-level, and startup companies. The more the firms invest in chatbots, the greater are the chances of their growth and popularity among the customers. The first step is to define the goals for your chatbot based on your business requirements and your customers’ demands. When you know what your chatbot should and would do, moving on to the other steps gets easy. Below is the basic chatbot architecture diagram that depicts how the program processes a request.

In simple words, chatbots aim to understand users’ queries and generate a relevant response to meet their needs. Simple chatbots scan users’ input sentences for general keywords, skim through their predefined list of answers, and provide a rule-based response relevant to the user’s query. NLP Engine is the core component that interprets what users say at any given time and converts the language to structured inputs that system can further process.


Chatbots & AI is still a new industry with little experience in the area. Below is an example of a bot built entirely with the Microsoft Azure cloud. It is something that will entirely depend on your individual circumstances.

A chatbot can be defined as a developed program capable of having a discussion/conversation with a human. Any user might, for example, ask the bot a question or make a statement, and the bot would answer or perform an action as necessary. For instance, the online solutions offering ready-made chatbots let you deploy a chatbot in less than an hour. With these services, you just have to choose the bot that is closest to your business niche, set up its conversation, and you are good to go. The firms having such chatbots usually mention it clearly to the users who interact with their support.

chatbot architecture diagram

Although, it is impossible to predict what question or request your customer will make. But, if you keep collecting all the conversations and integrate the stored chats with the bot, it will eventually help the program recognize the context of different incoming queries. The chatbot then fetches the data from the repository or database that contains the relevant answer to the user query and delivers it via the corresponding channel. Once the right answer is fetched, the “message generator” component conversationally generates the message and responds to the user.

Conversational AI chat-bot — Architecture overview

Chatbots have numerous uses in different industries such as answering FAQs, communicate with customers, and provide better insights about customers’ needs. Generative Response Model is the future of chatbots where the output not only depends on the current input, but to a series of input given in the past. I will write a separate post on Generative response model, but for now it is out of the scope of this post. However, 90% of the chatbot in the market today is build using Retrieval based modelling because of its huge capability and ability to solve maximum problem and making life easy for people.

  • An intuitive design can significantly enhance the conversational experience, making users more likely to return and engage with the chatbot repeatedly.
  • Since the chatbot is domain specific, it must support so many features.
  • Having an understanding of the chatbot’s architecture will help you develop an effective chatbot adhering to the business requirements, meet the customer expectations and solve their queries.
  • If the template requires some placeholder values to be filled up, those values are also passed by the dialogue manager to the generator.

In Rasa Core, a dialog engine for building AI assistants, conversations are written as stories. Rasa stories are a form of training data used to train Rasa’s dialog management models. In a story, the user message is expressed as intent and entities and the chatbot response is expressed as an action. You can handle even the situations where the user deviates from conversation flow by carefully crafting stories.

What language is best for building a chatbot?

He has also led commercial growth of deep tech company Hypatos that reached a 7 digit annual recurring revenue and a 9 digit valuation from 0 within 2 years. Cem’s work in Hypatos was covered by leading technology publications like TechCrunch and Business Insider. He graduated from Bogazici University as a computer engineer and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School. For example, the user might say “He needs to order ice cream” and the bot might take the order. Custom actions involve the execution of custom code to complete a specific task such as executing logic, calling an external API, or reading from or writing to a database.

The user then knows how to give the commands and extract the desired information. If a user asks something beyond the bot’s capability, it then forwards the query to a human support agent. These services are present in some chatbots, with the aim of collecting information from external systems, services or databases.

The dialog engine decides which action to execute based on the stories created. It enables the communication between a human and a machine, which can take the form of messages or voice commands. A chatbot is designed to work without the assistance of a human operator. AI chatbot responds to questions posed to it in natural language as if it were a real person.

Once the next_action corresponds to responding to the user, then the ‘message generator’ component takes over. Leverage AI and machine learning models for data analysis Chat PG and language understanding and to train the bot. With the continuous advancement of AI, chatbots have become an important part of business strategy development.

Similarly, Context is the real world entity around which conversation is happening. In other words, the intent request needs an entity to process and generate response. Like in the above example “10AM” is the context on which we have to set the alarm. Now imagine we are creating a chatbot for knowledge transfer on the behalf of an Insurance Company.

Having a well-defined chatbot architecture can reduce development time and resources, leading to cost savings. We’ll now explore the significance of understanding chatbot architecture. Chatbots can communicate through either text or voice-based interactions.

Just like any piece of technology, a chatbot must have a clearly defined purpose. Whether it’s for customer service, sales support, or gathering user feedback, define what the chatbot is designed to achieve. Chatbot architecture is crucial in designing a chatbot that can communicate effectively, improve customer service, and enhance user experience. Conversational user interfaces are the front-end of a chatbot that enable the physical representation of the conversation.

The conversations between chatbots and humans happen through channels. Depending on the purpose of use, client specifications, and user conditions, a chatbot’s architecture can be modified to fit the business requirements. It can also vary depending on the communication, chatbot type, and domain. Delving into chatbot architecture, the concepts can often get more technical and complicated. This is a straightforward and simple guide to chatbot architecture, where you can learn about how it all works, and the essential components that make up a chatbot architecture. Create a Chatbot for WhatsApp, Website, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, WordPress & Shopify with BotPenguin – 100% FREE!

Note — If the plan is to build the sample conversations from the scratch, then one recommended way is to use an approach called interactive learning. The model uses this feedback to refine its predictions for next time (This is like a reinforcement learning technique wherein the model is rewarded for its correct predictions). Though it’s possible to create a simple rule-based chatbot using various bot-building platforms, developing complex, AI-based chatbots requires solid technical skill in programming, AI, ML, and NLP. For a task like FAQ retrieval, it is difficult to classify it as a single intent due to the high variability in the type of questions.

Today, almost every other consumer firm is investing in this niche to streamline its customer support operations. A good use of this technology is determined by the balance between the complexity of its systems and the relative simplicity of its operation. The architecture must be arranged so that for the user it is extremely simple, but in the background, the structure is complex, and deep.

This blog is almost about 2300+ words long and may take ~9 mins to go through the whole thing. First of all we have two blocks for the treatment of voice, which only make sense if our chatbot communicates by voice. They’re often utilized for goal-oriented activities, bearing in mind the user’s expectations of the brand and the potential range of inquiries in a specific situation. They use a systematic approach based on pre-existing data rather than purpose.

Chatbots can be used to simplify order management and send out notifications. Chatbots are interactive in nature, which facilitates a personalized experience for the customer. As discussed earlier here, each sentence is broken down into individual words, and each word is then used as input for the neural networks. The weighted connections are then calculated by different iterations through the training data thousands of times, each time improving the weights to make it accurate.

Chatbots are used to collect user feedback in a conversational and engaging way to increase response rates. Let’s demystify the agents responsible for designing and implementing chatbot architecture. chatbot architecture diagram AIMultiple informs hundreds of thousands of businesses (as per similarWeb) including 60% of Fortune 500 every month. You can see more reputable companies and media that referenced AIMultiple.

Emerging Architectures for LLM Applications – Andreessen Horowitz

Emerging Architectures for LLM Applications.

Posted: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

If the time is less, which implies that the conversation is shorter; hence chatbot is boring. If you choose a framework, generally there are certain channels they offer support for. Before you choose the platform, make sure that you know what user interface and channel you’ll want your customers to interact with. This is important because you’ll need to ensure that platform or service that you choose will offer SLAs or future updates for the channel you choose for the chatbot.

These traffic servers are responsible for acquiring the processed input from the engine and channelizing them back to the user to get their queries solved. Node servers are multi-component architectures that receive the incoming traffic (requests from the user) from different channels and direct them to relevant components in the chatbot architecture. If you plan on including AI chatbots in your business or business strategies, as an owner or a deployer, you’d want to know how a chatbot functions and the essential components that make up a chatbot. The aim of this article is to give an overview of a typical architecture to build a conversational AI chat-bot. They usually have extensive experience in AI, ML, NLP, programming languages, and data analytics.

The message goes in, the NLU engine figures out the intent from the sentence given. The first step is to define the chatbot’s purpose, determining its primary functions, and desired outcome. To explore in detail, feel free to read our in-depth article on chatbot types. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. The TF-IDF value increases with the number of times a word appears in a section and is limited by its frequency over the entire document. The TF-IDF values of each section in which the word appears are computed.

Chatbot Architecture – 4 Essential Components Explained

Determining what technology you’ll use, whether you’ll gather the event data via a SQL or noSQL database will ultimately determine how sophisticated your downstream data analysis process will be. In general, a chatbot works by comparing the incoming users’ queries with specified preset instructions to recognize the request. For this, it processes the queries through complex algorithms and then responds accordingly. Although the use of chatbots is increasingly simple, we must not forget that there is a lot of complex technology behind it.

The trained data of a neural network is a comparable algorithm with more and less code. When there is a comparably small sample, where the training sentences have 200 different words and 20 classes, that would be a matrix of 200×20. But this matrix size increases by n times more gradually and can cause a massive number of errors. In this kind of scenario, processing speed should be considerably high. I hope this post covers some of the more fundamental and essential aspects to architecture to consider for building a chatbot. Connecting a chatbot framework to a knowledge base that has data structured in a way that can be used as a catalyst to adding knowledge into your chatbot.

  • Leverage AI and machine learning models for data analysis and language understanding and to train the bot.
  • The knowledge base can include FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and any other details you may want or need to know.
  • Get in touch with us by writing to us at , or fill out this form, and our bot development team will get in touch with you to discuss the best way to build your chatbot.
  • Simple chatbots scan users’ input sentences for general keywords, skim through their predefined list of answers, and provide a rule-based response relevant to the user’s query.

Considering your business requirements and the workload of customer support agents, you can design the conversation of the chatbot. A simple chatbot is just enough to provide immediate assistance to the customers. Therefore, you need to develop a conversational style covering all possible questions your customers may ask. To create a chatbot that delivers compelling results, it is important for businesses to know the workflow of these bots. From the receipt of users’ queries to the delivery of an answer, the information passes through numerous programs that help the chatbot decipher the input. Chatbots that have been imbued with natural language processing (NLP) replicate human-like communication and decipher user intent to provide intelligent responses.

chatbot architecture diagram

A document search module makes it possible for the bot to search through documents or webpages and come up with an appropriate answer. In the Introduction, we discussed that chatbot platforms offered by enterprises turned out to be good for simple cases, not really enterprise-level deployments. In this chapter we make a first step towards industrial–strength chatbots. We will outline the main components of chatbots and show various kinds of architectures employing these components. The descriptions of these components will be the reader’s starting points to learning them in-depth in the consecutive chapters. The target in entertainment bots is to increase the average time spent by user conversing with bot.

The knowledge base serves as the main response center bearing all the information about the products, services, or the company. It has answers to all the FAQs, guides, and every possible information that a customer may be interested to know. After deciding the intent, the chatbot interacts with the knowledge base to fetch information for the response. A chatbot is a dedicated software developed to communicate with humans in a natural way. Most chatbots integrate with different messaging applications to develop a link with the end-users.